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Diabetic Hypoglycemia - an independent electronic journal dedicated to the advancement of hypoglycemia research and clinical management
Diabetic Hypoglycemia Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2010


Webwatch - Banting and Best Diabetes Centre

Nicole Meinel of the Diabetic Hypoglycemia Editorial Team

Diabetic Hypoglycemia June 2010, Volume 3, Issue 1: page 21

Webpage overview
Created in 1978 as an extra-departmental unit of the faculty of medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada, the BBDC’s main aim is to advance diabetes research, education, and patient care – providing studentships, fellowships, grants and other support for diabetes researchers at the University of Toronto. The Centre also runs educational events for diabetes researchers and healthcare professionals, and develops and publishes guidelines on the management of diabetes patients in Toronto area hospitals.