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Diabetic Hypoglycemia - an independent electronic journal dedicated to the advancement of hypoglycemia research and clinical management
Diabetic Hypoglycemia Volume 3, Issue 2, October 2010

Congress Reporter

Congress Reporter - protection against severe hypoglycemia-induced brain damage, continuous blood glucose monitoring in older adults, clinical islet transplantation, and hypoglycemia awareness in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

Nicole Meinel of the Diabetic Hypoglycemia Editorial Team

Diabetic Hypoglycemia Oct 2010, Volume 3, Issue 2: page 10-13

One abstract presents data showing that glycemic control achieved with chronic insulin therapy can protect against severe hypoglycemia-induced brain damage in rats. The others present the latest data on hypoglycemia and continuous blood glucose monitoring in older adults, Clinical Islet Transplantation and protection from hypoglycemia, and hypoglycemia awareness in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.