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Diabetic Hypoglycemia - an independent electronic journal dedicated to the advancement of hypoglycemia research and clinical management
Diabetic Hypoglycemia Volume 3, Issue 3, January 2011


Webwatch - the diabetes pages of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website

Nicole Meinel of the Diabetic Hypoglycemia Editorial Team

Diabetic Hypoglycemia January 2011, Volume 3, Issue 3: page 26

In each issue of Diabetic Hypoglycemia we review a website that contains information on diabetes. In this issue we review the diabetes pages of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

Webpage overview

The Division of Diabetes Translation (DDT) is a division of the United States National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The main focus of the center is on
translational science - using findings from clinical trials in diabetes to improve understanding of the disease and its
complications, and integrating the information into clinical and public health practices.